
it's so hard to say goodbye

The kids are back. Summer is officially over. I know the date that school is supposed to end next year already too. But only because all teachers know this information. I am not rushing it- that is not really my style. I can't wait to get to know my new students. All 140 ish of them. My hope for the year is that I can make an impact on the kid who likes to fly under the radar, convince the big voice to also listen to the quiet moments, spark an interest in some writer they would not have known and to get papers back in a timely manner. Unlike my students who came dressed in their new duds to show that they are ready, I am wearing my clean slate. I am not jaded, I am not all meetinged out (I know it is not a word) and my desk is clear. So summer is a cool memory and I am ok with that. Look out Eagles (our mascot) it is time to soar :)


  1. Spoken like a true educator......you will make a difference to some student when they least expect it....so go ahead...soar

  2. 140?! What are your class sizes? Good luck with the new year though!

  3. @ms b- thanks, you are the best example
    @ Meghan- they range from 26-33. Yeah, I don't want any more additions :) Thanks!!

  4. "I am wearing my clean slate; I am not jaded"... words to live by! I often think how lucky we are to get to start over EVERY year. Most people don't get that refresher, you know?
