
she got lucky!

My Best is enjoying her life sans hubby. You know those handsome men who you love but .... Well no need to dwell on the buts. Anyway her husband is away for about a week and she gets to eat her Bon Bons and lounge in her robe. Me? Well Bestie's hubby is here. So, I picked up an extra husband. It is not fair. It is not fair. I don't think any carefree moments are heading my way. And the logical conversations will be hard to come by :)


  1. Well. I guess I did get lucky. I would even venture to say I HIT THE JACKPOT!!!
    Thanks for taking care of that lovely load of hubby.
    No one can ever take your title away from you.
    You are truly my best friend.

  2. That's so cute that the hubbies visit each other, too :) Too bad it means you've got a full house! If you need some girl time one day after work, just let me know.
