
winner, winner what's for dinner

Monday- Steak, broccoli and cheesy potatoes
Tuesday-Peking pork chops, rice and vegetables
Wednesday- Chicken quesadillas, black beans and rice
Thursday- Leftovers
Friday- 15 Bean soup and corn bread

yummy food week w/ 2 crockpot meals


  1. I want to know about this pork chops and the peking-ing of them. Is it a sauce? Can it go on chicken? And Monday's meal sounds the best!!

  2. You inspired me with your Sunday cooking so I prepped some food for this week... made sesame chicken with whole wheat sesame noodles and grown-up mac n cheese. Then I planned for the other days some easy quick meals.... grilled chicken with potatoes au gratin and stir fry chicken with tons of veggies and rice. :)

  3. Ok, can I come eat at your house this week?! YUMM-O (hehe... couldn't resist a little annoying reference there)

  4. @Z- it is a combo of spices and I would say it could go on chicken. I will send you the recipe:)
    @M- Yay! Having a dinner plan makes life much easier!
    @B I was SOOOOO going to say YUMM-O but I resisted for that exact reason.
